Sunday 20 May 2007

Another week over

I got back earlier this afternoon from Levin, where there was a fun swimming meet. I didn't taper for this one - it was more a case of getting fit again after a week off with that silly cold - but swam considerably faster than in Chch. The meet was lots of fun, with relays and plenty of good-humoured support, and we all did okay so everyone was happy. Afterwards the social turned out to be a good one, with decent food and an excellent band who played lots of cheesy covers so we danced all night. Also there was a running paper aeroplane fight through the evening, with the paper placemats used as aeroplanes. Highly amusing.

Today we went and had a leisurely brunch before browsing the bewildering array of factory outlet shops in Otaki, which is south of Levin on SH1. I have no idea why there are so many outlet shops there. I found a lovely merino jumper for about half-price in the Icebreaker shop (they sell clothes designed for walking and so on) which will be good in the winter. I only really have one casual jumper here so I needed another.

Now just vegging, as I'm fairly tired. I slept okay but it was a late night and everyone got woken up at 5am by the regular train rushing through Levin.

The wind's really got up. It's properly howling.

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