Sunday, 22 February 2009

Officially on holiday

Update from Mount Cook, which despite being in the middle of nowhere has good fast internet. :) Unfortunately it's raining quite hard so the mountains are mostly hidden in mist, but the forecast is better for tomorrow so we ought to be able to go for a walk.

Nationals are now over - they went okay, better than we originally expected. We came fifth in the club coxed four final, after a nightmarish run-up including an injury to our stroke two weeks before the regatta. It was a reasonably close race and we rowed it well, so we were pleased. On a club level we picked up two medals (gold in the men's club double, silver in the men's club quad) but missed out on a few more quite narrowly which was a shame. However everyone had a good time I think. It was a shame the weather turned nasty on Friday, with the nice sunshine of earlier in the week turning into heavy and cold rain, and wind too. They managed to get through the whole programme eventually by squashing Saturday's racing together, so we didn't have to race on Sunday (phew). Party Saturday night was a lot of fun.

Plan for the week is a day here tomorrow, hopefully a walk to Hooker Lake, then down to Oamaru and Dunedin afterwards.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

when you go to Hooker Lake don't be tempted to walk to the glacier at the other end - that's what I tried to do, it's an avalanche zone.

Speaking of avalanches keep your wits about you and your camera at the ready - if you're lucky you'll see one coming off the high mountains, they're not that infrequent