Monday, 3 December 2007

Long-expected update

I do keep meaning to update this thing. But keep forgetting, or not getting around to it.

So, in reverse order, stuff what I have been doing recently:

- Went to a pole fitness class tonight with some of the girls from rowing. Not quite pole dancing, and quite tough on the upper arms. I'm going to be bruised tomorrow. We had a lot of fun, though; it's a tricky thing to master, flinging yourself around a pole. Suitably the class was on Vivian Street, which is Wellington's red light district (insofar as there are a couple of "gentlemen's clubs" up there). We're thinking of going again.

- Spent the weekend in wonderful Wanganui at a regatta. It was good racing generally, but we didn't do brilliantly. Lots of work to be done. I felt very at home though racing on a tidal river. We were all set for a big night on Saturday but we were all knackered (and a bit sunburned) so had fish and chips and crashed at our coach's parents, who were very welcoming. Long outing on Sunday morning, including a break at a nice little sandy beach with a swing!! (Still a long way downriver from Pipiriki where the kayaks stop though).

- I was meaning to post something I liked about Wellington every day. But I didn't get round to it. So I mean to start now, for December.

Three things I like about Wellington:
1) The lampposts along the bit of seafront running along the south side of Te Papa have holes in them, so when the wind is either northerly or southerly (ie, most of the time) they whistle. It's extremely cool. Makes them more than just functional.

2) Someone chalked poetry on that same bit of path, round Te Papa, last week. I didn't stop to read it, but I saw others stopping. Great idea.

3) It's said a lot, but it's true: Wellington on a nice day is a truly glorious city. Even if it's windy.

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