Wednesday, 4 July 2007

A proper bit of NZ

I went to my first powhiri today. A powhiri is a welcome ceremony, and the one I was at was to mark the opening of a nw institution at a university. It wasn't very decorative, not like the ceremonies they put on for tourists, but it was quite moving even though I had barely any idea what was going on and what was being said! First all the guests on the marae (a Maori meeting-house) were welcomed by the Maori elders and the university staff in the traditional nose-rubbing way. I felt dreadful that I hadn't memorised the response to "tena koe" (the formal welcome), but otherwise I think I managed okay by smiling a lot.

Then the kaumatua (elder) began proceedings by making a speech and chanting, and there was a hymn by the hosts; and the equivalent from the guests' side; and then that was repeated. I think the speeches were quite amusing because people kept laughing. I gathered that the hosts were welcoming the guests to the marae and the university, and there was a suitable response, and quite a lot about waka (canoes), and I really liked the third song, which was quite cheerful. But I couldn't understand much more!!

After that we all trooped over to the site of the new institution and the building was blessed with special water and prayers, and then that was it. It was all pretty interesting and I do love listening to the sound of te reo Maori being spoken, even if I can't understand the actual meaning. It's a beautiful, rich language, very musical in its way.

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