Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Anzac Day

A day off work today for Anzac Day. It was supposed to be a lovely day - actually it's mainly cloudy and not very nice. I was going to cycle around to Scorching Bay for coffee and cake at the Chocolate Fish Cafe, but frankly it's not really nice enough so instead I think I'll go to the cinema.

I went out to the city wreath-laying ceremony this morning at the Cenotaph on Lambton Quay. Actually that was a mistake and I muddled up the two ceremonies. There was the very small one at Lambton Quay I went to, and there was the big national one at the National War Memorial which I didn't go to and which was on TV One when I got back. Oops. Anyway most of the national one was inside, so I didn't miss much. And at least I got out and did an Anzac Day thing.

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